Kamis, 11 September 2014

Developing Systemic Model for Indonesian Village (Desa) Government

Oleh : M.R. Khairul Muluk, Ike Wanusmawatie, Moh. Said

This study tries to analyze the performance of village government system in Indonesia, through a systemic thinking approach in dynamical system method. The effectiveness of the village administration is determined by its ability to achieve the goal of prosperity and security communities. Achievement of the village administration is influenced by many factors that are inter-connected with each other in the village government systems. It is constructed from three major subsystems, such as; intra village government, local government, and central government subsystem. The existence of the village supra subsystem is not determined by the independence of the village but also influenced by its reliance on supra-structure.
Therefore, the performance of village government and its influencing factors studied to get a recommendation in the form of scenarios that could be a solution to the acceleration of the village administration purposes. This research literature uses The Village Governance System, and Performance concept, and data mainly comes from the publication of books and journals available in Indonesia since the early establishment of the village until the post-independence. Its called a library research. Finally, this study is useful for the future to make decisions in order to accelerate the achievement of the village government goal, especially to find an alternative solution to the problem of the achievement of the performance of village government.

Keywords: village government, system thinking

Diterbitkan dalam Journal of Basic Applied Scientific Research 3(2), 2013
ISSN 2090-4304
Halaman 202 - 208

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