Oleh: M.R. Khairul Muluk
The implementation of decentralization policies in reformation era has encouraged to localize implementation of the most government functions. Is the localization contrary to the globalization? Globalization is surely going to cause dividing the world in two parts, namely parts of the connected and isolated parts. Localization has a big chance to create an isolated hemisphere, although it is not always so. There is still a space for localization to take benefits of globalization. By changing from the way of local government to digital government which accompanied by a global vision and creating the excellence concept, competence, and connections, glocalization can be realized.
Keyword: digital government, globalization, local government
Tulisan ini disajikan dalam bentuk buku melalui International Seminar on Globalization: Social Cost and Benefits for The Third World.ISBN: 979-498-5303 Pages: 178, 9 February 2010.Penerbit: Fisip. Univ Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Selengkapnya: Globalization and Localization.pdf (67.61 KB)Download link:
The implementation of decentralization policies in reformation era has encouraged to localize implementation of the most government functions. Is the localization contrary to the globalization? Globalization is surely going to cause dividing the world in two parts, namely parts of the connected and isolated parts. Localization has a big chance to create an isolated hemisphere, although it is not always so. There is still a space for localization to take benefits of globalization. By changing from the way of local government to digital government which accompanied by a global vision and creating the excellence concept, competence, and connections, glocalization can be realized.
Keyword: digital government, globalization, local government
Tulisan ini disajikan dalam bentuk buku melalui International Seminar on Globalization: Social Cost and Benefits for The Third World.ISBN: 979-498-5303 Pages: 178, 9 February 2010.Penerbit: Fisip. Univ Sebelas Maret Surakarta.
Selengkapnya: Globalization and Localization.pdf (67.61 KB)Download link:
3 komentar:
luar biasa..
dengan bengini..paramahasiswa FIA tidak kering informasi..mengingat buku2 yang ada di ruang baca (DEKANAT LT 3) Bnyak yang sudah g up to date
dah kehapus linknya bos. info aja. tx
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