Minggu, 26 Februari 2012

Akuntabilitas Eksistensi Organisasi Non Pemerintah dalam Perspektif Governance (Studi Terhadap Yayasan Lembaga Pembinaan Masyarakat Desa Lampung)

Oleh: Dedi Hermawan, Sumartono, Susilo Zauhar dan M.R. Khairul Muluk

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan memahami akuntabilitas keberadaan Ornop YLPMD lampung dengan paradigma governance. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan grounded research dengan alasan untuk membangun teori, khususnya teori substantif, yang berasal dari data. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa akuntabilitas eksistensi organisasi YLPMD Lampung yang diwujudkan melalui mekanisme: 1) Kejelasan guiding philosophy, visi, misi dan tujuan organisasi; 2) Kejelasan status hukum organisasi; 3) Kejelasan struktur organisasi, fungsi dan relasi antar struktur organisasi; 4) Aturan formal kepemimpinan dalam organisasi; dan 5) Aturan dan pelaksanaan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan dan pertanggungjawaban. Hasil penelitian ini juga memberikan informasi bahwa melalui pelaksanaan mekanisme-mekanisme telah mendekatkan Ornop YLPMD Lampung pada nilai-nilai seperti trust, responsiveness, iklim berorganisasi sehat, legalitas dan legitimasi publik, kejelasan arah organisasi, rule and laws, dan penerimaan stakeholders dan masyarakat.
Sebagai temuan penelitian, studi ini mengajukan suatu proposisi bahwa ketika Ornop menjalankan mekanisme akuntabilitas keorganisasian melalui kejelasan guiding philosophy, visi, misi dan tujuan dengan landasan persoalan nyata masyarakat; status hukum; struktur, fungsi, dan relasi antar struktur berbasis fokus kerja; kepemimpinan yang kuat secara ideologi civil society, jaringan, dan kebersamaan; dan mekanisme pengambilan keputusan, dan pertanggungjawaban. Ornop dapat menggunakan nilai-nilai akuntabilitas seperti trust, responsiveness, iklim berorganisasi sehat, legalitas dan legitimasi publik, kejelasan arah organisasi, rule and laws, dan penerimaan stakeholders dan masyarakat.

Kata kunci: Governance, Akuntabilitas, Ornop

Diterbitkan dalam Jurnal Borneo Administrator Akreditasi LIPI No.: 311/Akred-LIPI/P2MBI/10/2010
Edisi: Vol. 7 No. 1 Tahun 2011 ISSN: 1858-0300 Halaman: 45-69
Penerbit: PKP2A III LAN

Selengkapnya: Akuntabilitas.pdf (2.84 MB)
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Senin, 20 Februari 2012

The Archetype of Public Participation System in Indonesian Local Government

Oleh: M.R. Khairul Muluk
Participatory local government in Indonesia has not yet been truly achieved despite the imposition of various decentralization policies. Serious measures should be taken to arrange effective strategy based on comprehensive academic analysis. Using system thinking method, the archetype providing short description and overall comprehension. This research recognized that public participation in local government is a complex system consists of various sub-systems. Simplification of the system of public participation for local government shows that the archetype is limits to growth. This comprises of two loops: reinforcing community and balancing elite loop. Limiting factor for the system is central government support while the leverage is local elite’s role. The solution for improving public participation in local government is releasing the limiting factor or pushing the leverage.

Keywords: public participation, local government, system thinking, limits to growth.

Tulisan ini disajikan dalam bentuk buku melalui Konferensi di Kyoto University Jepang pada 11-12 Desember 2010.
ISSN: 1884-8850 Halaman: 147, Desember 2010.
Penerbit: Kyoto University

Selengkapnya: Archetype.pdf (90.99 KB)
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Bridging Globalization and Localization Through Digital Government

Oleh: M.R. Khairul Muluk 
The implementation of decentralization policies in reformation era has encouraged to localize implementation of the most government functions. Is the localization contrary to the globalization? Globalization is surely going to cause dividing the world in two parts, namely parts of the connected and isolated parts. Localization has a big chance to create an isolated hemisphere, although it is not always so. There is still a space for localization to take benefits of globalization. By changing from the way of local government to digital government which accompanied by a global vision and creating the excellence concept, competence, and connections, glocalization can be realized. 
Keyword: digital government, globalization, local government

Tulisan ini disajikan dalam bentuk buku melalui International Seminar on Globalization: Social Cost and Benefits for The Third World.ISBN: 979-498-5303 Pages: 178, 9 February 2010.Penerbit: Fisip. Univ Sebelas Maret Surakarta.

Selengkapnya: Globalization and Localization.pdf (67.61 KB)Download link:

Minggu, 19 Februari 2012

Membangun Manajemen Daerah Perbatasan yang Efektif

Oleh: M.R. Khairul Muluk

The main problem of this research is ineffectiveness of border area management. Too many problems are faced by field administrator and local authority which is raised by lack of institutional support from central and local government. New model of border area management is needed in strengthening its effectiveness. This model was arranged by considering empirical result such as different function of multilevel government, lack of coordination and incapable institutional arrangement, and lack of management effectiveness. This study based on descriptive qualitative methods. The new model propose that there must be a clear division of authority between central, provincial and local government through principle of externality, effectiveness and efficiency. This new model entails proper institutional design that strengthening coordination between multilevel government and empowering institutional design in local authority.

Keyword: border area management, catchment area, multilevel government, government affairs.

Tulisan ini diterbitkan pada Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Negara (JIANA)
Terakreditasi SK Dikti Nomor: 65a/Dikti/Kep/2008.
Edisi: Volume 10 No.2 Hal: 101, Juli 2010 ISSN: 1411-948x.
Penerbit: Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi Pascasarjana FISIP Univ. Riau

Selengkapnya: Manajemen Daerah Perbatasan.pdf (122.89 KB)
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